The Ideal Reverie
It’s my honor to welcome you to The Ideal Reverie. My name is Tom, and I want to thank everyone for being here. This is my first post in what I plan to be a lifelong blog about everything we can imagine! Today we will talk a bit about who I am, what Ideal Reverie will be, and what the future holds for us. With nothing more, let’s move right into the first part – – Who am I I’ll keep this section the shortest; I had an average life, nothing anyone would think was unusual. In high school, I thought I knew what I would do in life. When I graduated, it was a proper wake-up call. I learned I was completely unprepared for the entirety of life. After graduating and moving out a few months later, I realized how significant money was and how much I didn’t know. It was rough and still the most challenging time I’ve been through. Although looking back on it, I’m grateful and lucky even that it happened while I was so young. I learned so much that first year on my own about the world and myself, what I found important, and what I would never let happen again. This podcast, blog, streaming, and everything else included within Ideal Reverie is a new start not just for me but I’m hoping all of you as well. I’m currently 22 and striving to learn something new every day. I am looking forward to putting my all into this business and myself. I will be doing everything I can to be here for all of you as well. Next, let’s discuss – – What is Ideal Reverie The best way to start this section is to talk a bit about why I chose the name Ideal Reverie. Ideal – A conception of something in its perfection. Reverie – A state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing. (A Daydream) (Both of these definitions were found here) There’re a few reasons I wanted to go with this name. The first reason is that I often spent my time like this as a child – being lost in thought and dreaming about how I could bring about my perfect life. I want to think that this is the first step to achieving all of those childish goals I had all those many decades ago (maybe 15 years ago.) Another reason is what I want to accomplish with Ideal Reverie. I’m hoping that not only for me but for everyone I talk to and everyone who joins me on this journey, we will all be able to bring about what could’ve only been imagined previously. Whether it’s in our personal life, business ventures, or just enjoying a different world entirely, I’m hoping we can all build a community together that may not even seem realistic right now. Ideal Reverie is a test for me. For a long time, I wanted to put myself out into the world somehow. In the past, I thought I had. However, I never really felt any pressure or even desire for it to truly work out. Ideal Reverie will be everything I’ve always wanted to do with the hopes of finding people out there who will enjoy similar things. The best part about Ideal Reverie for me is how malleable it is. If all of you are interested in other topics or how we can better build this community, I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts to make this the best community I can for everyone. I look forward to hearing opinions from everyone. Now let’s discuss – – What’s Next Well, everything is on the table for this dream of ours. Let’s talk about how I will interact with everyone and what we can expect! In the foreseeable future, I will post on my blog every week, switching between personal insights and fictional stories I would love to share with everyone. These will be released every Saturday and will be written in no specific fashion or order. Please let me know if there is anything specific anyone would like to read about, as I would love to sharpen my writing abilities with a new challenge! I will stream every Saturday and Sunday at 7 A.M. Pacific time. The streaming is mainly for my enjoyment and an invitation to everyone to hang out. I’d love to tell stories, answer questions or generally hang out while we play silly games. This will be a work in progress, so I’d love input from everyone. Finally, as it is the 21st century, it is required by law that to grow, I must be a part of the almighty lord of social media. I will be on various platforms; the current list is (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Tik Tok.) For Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok, I will post twice a month minimum. At the same time, LinkedIn and YouTube will be once a month minimum. These are open to change in the future, and I will keep everyone updated regarding this, of course. Finally- – Our Sweet Dreams Thank you so much, everyone, for joining me today and preparing to help start a new world for us all. I appreciate all the support I’ve received from everyone and look to continue making content that everyone enjoys. I’d love to hear everyone’s opinions. Please reach out to me for how I can make this an even better community for everyone! Lovely dreams all, tonight and every night. I hope for us all to make our Ideal Reverie a reality together! -Dreams and Reality, two sides of the same story.