Who, or what, am I. I view this world through the senses my body controls yet think independently from that same body. I can close my eyes and imagine whole worlds and ideas separate from the thoughts springing from instinctive reactions my senses force. Upon that observation it must be assumed that I am not simply my body, but something more. Let us run with that assumption, that I am simply a consciousness that has developed thought. Let us not get into the details of what consciousness constitutes, if you are reading and understanding this, you qualify to have said consciousness.
As a consciousness we are capable of ideas and interpretations of the world separate from our body, however, that is not to say necessarily that our consciousness is wholly separate from our bodies. Reminiscent of software needing the computer hardware to function and be accessed, our consciousness needs a body to function as well. As of now, we are unable to separate the “you” of consciousness, and the “you” relating to your body. Just like an appliance needs electricity or a form of energy to function, our consciousness needs the same. It resides within our brains, which needs the nutrients provided from our bodies digesting foods and water. Only when our body provides this necessary energy can our brain function as it should, leading to our consciousness flourishing. Hence it is safe to say “you” could not exist without your body. How then could we separate the “you” of the mind, with the “you” of the body? While the “you” we discuss, the consciousness clearly stems from your brain, which is of the body. I will not pretend to understand fully how our consciousness stems from our brains and the complexities of neural activity, for if I knew that what need would I to write in such roundabout ways of description and examples!
Let us attempt to look at the ability of separating our mind and body. For us to explore this together, let us imagine a world many hundreds or thousands of years more advanced than this one. Or, if it helps, a scientific fantasy world would suffice. In this reality we have effectively made it possible to implant our conscious mind into entities, separate from our original body. Be it other organic matter, machine hardware, or perhaps even a different online form of life. In this world you could imagine the attachment to our body would be drastically different. We could switch to a different vessel as we pleased, allowing us to live the life of our choice. Again, let us ignore the fact such technology would likely be for the use of the one percent and hidden figures. We shall make the assumption this opportunity is available for all right now. In this case it would be clear that “you” are not in any way your body, but simply your mind and consciousness. Even if you had to rely on said vessel for the continuation of said consciousness, or to help interpret the world around you, there is a clear divide on who the true “you” would be.
Let us take this example slightly further and discuss what would happen should this technology be restricted to those of only the highest rank. So, while a King may freely change forms as he desires, the majority, such as us, would be restricted to one vessel, one body for life. I ask you then, would you consider “you” as separate from your body? After all, you clearly know that those of the highest class can keep “themselves” as they desire through the moving of their mind to whatever vessel they desire. You cannot do such a thing and will live your life with the body you have been born with. Despite the proof of “you” and your consciousness being capable of surviving past the length your current vessel can sustain itself. The life of “you” will live and die with said vessel. Furthermore, this does not illustrate how drastically your vessel can influence your consciousness, making the “you” likelier or unlikelier today should your vessel have been different. Is there any difference in knowing the theoretical truth that “you” could have continued your consciousness longer than the body will allow? This may raise further questions about what the truth really dictates. Let us save that for another time.
In the scenarios above we have been able to answer a few questions, of course, giving rise to countless more. There is still countless more for us in this world to learn and discover, yet there remain unanswered questions throughout time that perhaps forever will be left to speculation. While there may not be a right or wrong, I am certain that the “you” who is reading this will benefit from these thoughts. No matter how you personally separate your body, mind and consciousness, as of now one thing is certain. Each one is required to continue the “you” who has so much to offer this world. Perhaps in the distant future they may be separated, yet I truly wonder how that would change our views of self. Who, or what, are you?
-Dreams and Reality, two sides of the same story.